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Spring Cleaning: How to Clean your Window Screens

cleaning window screens
May 3, 2018
Amanda Curry
Read Time
2 minutes

Your window screens are constantly exposed to wind, rain, sun, snow, pollen, and insects. Now that it’s finally spring, they may appear dingy and be in need of some TLC. By taking the time to clean your window screens, you can enjoy the summer breeze without worrying about any bugs or other unpleasant critters. Fortunately, cleaning them is a breeze when you have the right tools and follow directions. Here are some tips on cleaning your window screens:

how to clean window screens

Gather Tools

Before you begin spring cleaning your windows, you’ll need to gather all the right tools and materials. These include a towel, scrubbing brush, garden hose, drop cloth, rubber gloves, a bucket, and ammonia.

Remove Screens

First, remove all window screens from their positions. Then, lay them on a large drop cloth outside. Be sure to perform this project on a nice day so that your screens can dry in the sun once you’ve finished cleaning them.

Rinse Screens

Next, turn your garden hose nozzle to the lowest pressure setting and thoroughly rinse all of the window screens as thoroughly as you can. All dust, dirt, and debris should be completely removed.

Scrub Screens

Mix a cleaning solution of ammonia and warm water in a large bucket. Put on your rubber gloves, dip your scrubbing brush into the solution, and begin to scrub your window screens from top to bottom. As you scrub, remember to thoroughly rinse your brush.

Rinse Screens Again

Now that you’ve scrubbed each screen, reach for the hose and give each screen one last rinse. Closely examine each screen and look for any areas you may have missed. If you notice any missing areas, spot-clean them.

Dry Screens

Shake off any excess water and wipe down your screens with a towel. Lastly, lean them against your garage or house so they can dry completely in the sun.

Keep in mind that the more you clean your window screens, the easier it’ll be for you to keep them in tip-top shape. If possible, try to clean them again in the summer months. Reach out to a professional if you’d like to make the most of the warm weather and ensure that your window screens are well cared for.